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Success Stories

Testimonials from real-life people on their weight loss journey using our Doctor Prescribed Medicine.

Jeremy's Weight Loss Journey

We are asked all the time, “does Semaglutide actually work?” I could cite the over 5,000 patients our doctor has treated. I could cite the over 190 patients Weight Loss Today Medical Group has helped since April. But figured maybe this was the correct time to share my journey. As embarrassing as these pictures and confession might be, it’s the end result I focus on. The healthier version of myself. The confident “feeling” I get when walking by a mirror and getting a glimpse of the new me. The energy I have in the gym, around the house, playing with the grandbabies.

Like many during covid I let myself go, stopped working out, ate more than I ever should and allowed myself to get to 272 pounds. January 2021, I decided to make a change and started a Keto diet and workout on a regular basis. It was a great experience until it wasn’t. I lost 15-20 pounds in the first couple of months but then found it was just really hard to workout without carbs. It was not easy to maintain a carb free diet when I traveled every week, entertained clients; and let’s be honest, there is only so much beef jerky and string cheese one can consume. I found myself being good and sticking to Keto for a month or two and then not for a few months…it was just tough to be consistent, to have the will power to say no to carbs. I am happy to state I did however keep the 15-20 pounds off for the remainder or 2021 and 2022, but no matter how hard I tried, no matter how strict I was, I couldn’t seem to break the barriers of my weight and get any lower….Until I found Semaglutide.

February 6th 2023 was my first injection and like many I started to feel the effects of the medication pretty quickly. I noticed food did appeal to me as it used to. I didn’t have dramatic cravings for the sweets I had known for years, I would get full quickly during meals and stay full longer than I had in the past; honestly most of the foods I loved didn’t sound good anymore and I started making different choices for my meals, snacks and even desserts.

So here we are, the 7 months came and went, the cravings and appetite are definitely curbed and I’d like to say it was tough, but really the “will power” came from Semaglutide. What have I learned in these 7 months? I have learned I can be satisfied with half the portions I used to eat. I can be fulfilled with only a few bites of dessert instead of eating mine and anyone else at the table that couldn’t finish. I can stay committed to coming in each week and doing my assessment, weighing in, keeping accountable for my decisions and reaching my goal!

The pictures are me at throughout this process:

  • 256 pounds on January 1, 2023.
  • 240 pounds on April 4, 2023.
  • 215 pounds on September 23, 2023


Thank you for allowing me to share my journey. Come see us and start yours today!

Tanya's Weight Loss Journey

I was a mother of 2 with a daughter who had a chronic illness. Being a caretaker and mom, I put caring for myself at the very bottom of the list. About 3 years ago, I had diabetes and other health issues that inspired me to take more steps towards a healthier me. I took part in studies, saw nutritionists, saw doctors, and joined many weight loss clinics and programs. None of them worked for me. I eventually gave in to my hunger and cravings. There was a feeling of guilt about my failure and I began to have pep talks to myself saying, “It’s ok if I start again tomorrow.” Unfortunately, I had lots of tomorrows. Eventually, I found what worked for me. I knew I had to change my diet. Do you know about 80-90% of your weight loss is from changing your diet? I was doing great with my living low carb lifestyle and eventually, I added in exercise. I was down about 80 lbs. Then I became stuck, and the cravings came back. I started gaining weight again and this time I couldn’t get it to come off. So, I tried GLP-1. At first, my body fought to drop below its set point. Your “set point” is the weight that we all hover at, for example, if your set point is 200lbs, you will fluctuate at 205, 199, 203, and so on. By the end of Week two on GLP-1, I lost 10lbs. Every other day I was losing another pound. I am now 20lbs to my healthy weight/BMI. I am confident that with the help of GLP-1, a healthy diet, and exercise I will get there. I have lost 100lbs and tried absolutely everything in my weight loss journey, and GLP-1 truly is the game changer that everyone says it is. My goal is to help our community finally get the weight off and keep it off for good. Here at Weight Loss Today Medical Group, we will give you the tools to help you succeed, and we will be there for you every step of the way. 

Before & After

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